We are dedicated to the protection, restoration, and enjoyment of wetlands and associated ecosystems through science-based programs, education, and advocacy.

The latest news
Wetland Coffee Break: Chasing dragonflies: Leveraging genetic tools to help conserve Hine’s emerald dragonfly
Dr. Toczydlowski will talk about how she and her collaborators are leveraging genetic tools, including environmental DNA (eDNA), to build our knowledge of Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly.
Sold-out crowd builds community, wetland knowledge
The 2025 Wetland Science Conference in La Crosse was our first sell-out ever and the most number of registrants at an in-person conference yet. It was so energizing knowing that this many great people wanted to talk about wetlands.
Fundulus dispar: The rare star of Wisconsin River backwaters
The next time you’re in a Wisconsin backwater slough and you see little constellations on the surface of the water, take a moment to stop and admire the humble starhead topminnow.