How we work
We advance wetland knowledge
Sound wetland work is predicated on the use of science-based knowledge. Our work advances the body of wetland knowledge and practice to help incorporate wetlands as solutions to the water-related issues facing Wisconsin. WWA works to identify and help address ecological, social, and economic gaps in wetland knowledge that are creating barriers to the protection, restoration, and management of wetlands in Wisconsin. We also convene agencies, academics, practitioners, and others and support collaborations to advance wetland science and practice.

We disseminate wetland knowledge
Wetland knowledge is most useful when it is available to those in a position to protect, restore, and manage wetlands. Our programs and outreach activities advance wetland action by providing the wetland knowledge needed by those working for wetlands and those that have the potential to influence wetlands. WWA works to incorporate the latest science in all of our programs and communications. We also develop programs and materials for use by those advancing the protection, restoration, and management of wetlands. For all of our communications, we design information content and message delivery in a manner useful to the needs of each specific audience.

We advance wetland conservation policies and practices
Sound wetland conservation policies and practices are essential to wetland protection, restoration, and management. We work with agencies, elected officials, and other decision-makers to develop and implement policies, rules, and funding sources to support and advance healthy wetlands in Wisconsin. WWA works to increase understanding among decision-makers about the importance of wetlands, identify and address policy barriers limiting the advancement of wetland protection, restoration, and management, and engage in pro-active policy development with stakeholders and partners to develop policies that advance wetlands as solutions.

We engage in place-based projects
Only a few communities in Wisconsin are using wetlands to address the water-related issues they face, and WWA is working to change that. By carefully identifying and engaging in place-based projects, we aim to demonstrate innovative approaches to incorporating wetlands as solutions at watershed and regional scales. We engaged in watershed-scale projects that are replicable in and exportable to other areas within Wisconsin and beyond, convening stakeholders to bring together the elements required to successfully apply wetlands as solutions to locally-identified issues. We also develop, test, evaluate, promote, and export watershed-based approaches to solving water-related problems. We do this by utilizing science-based approaches to prioritize implementation of wetland practices on the landscape where they are most needed in the watershed to address identified issues.

We build wetland partnerships
The future of wetlands in Wisconsin lies in the hands of many, including those in the public, private, and non-profit sectors. We build and support partnerships that explore wetlands as solutions and implement pro-active wetlands protection, restoration, and management. We identify and engage critical partners and stakeholders to advance wetlands work, providing tools and materials to help partners communicate the benefits of wetlands to their audiences. We help others integrate wetlands into existing programs and work. And we collaborate to improve the use and effectiveness of on-the-ground wetland practices and the implementation of wetland policies.