For communities
Why wetlands?
Healthy wetland landscapes contribute to the health, safety, and livability of nearly every Wisconsin community. Learn more about how wetlands provide cost-effective amenities and services to your community.
Tools for communities
Learn more about wetlands – Find tools and resources that explain the benefits of wetlands and how you can use wetlands to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
Model wetland conservation ordinance – Explore policy options that your community can adopt to put wetlands to work for achieving community goals and priorities.
Wetlands in your community – Learn about your county’s current and historical wetland landscape.
Updates for communities
We regularly post updates, information, and various information for communities. Check out a few recent posts below.
Wetland Coffee Break: Piloting natural flood management in the Lake Superior basin
Kyle will provide an overview of a natural flood management initiative in the Lake Superior Basin aiming to reduce flood risks and create climate-resilient infrastructure.
Wetland Coffee Break: The influence of beaver dams on Wisconsin trout streams
Beavers and the wetlands they create play a complex role in the dynamics of low-gradient streams of the Upper Midwest, especially where dams alter important habitat for trout.
Wetland Coffee Break: Wetland restoration for ravine protection in SE Wisconsin
Hear from Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum about their restoration project of about two acres of wetland, and the installation of other storm water management measures over roughly six acres.