We are dedicated to the protection, restoration, and enjoyment of wetlands and associated ecosystems through science-based programs, education, and advocacy.

The latest news
Wetland Coffee Break: Wetland portrayal in modern films
After viewing 163 films that included swamps, bogs, and other types of wetlands, we analyzed how filmmakers have used wetlands as storytelling devices, potentially shaping viewers’ perceptions. Wetlands are predominantly portrayed negatively in film, often as trials...
From the Director: Let’s “peat” the clock
Why ‘enthusiasm’ is one of the core values guiding our work.
Wetland Coffee Break: Aerial herbicide application on invasive wetland plants: Planning, process and lessons learned
Jason Fleener, wetland habitat specialist with WDNR, will outline the various steps to plan out and implement a successful spraying project, discuss how to choose the best method for application (helicopter or drone), and how to choose the right chemicals for a project.