Pictured above: WWA’s Tracy Hames and Erin O’Brien joined NAWM’s Executive Director Marla Stelk pose for a photo opp in between sessions.

Over the course of our 55 years, Wisconsin Wetlands Association (WWA) has maintained a strong commitment to sharing lessons learned from our work with wetland professionals in Wisconsin and beyond.

WWA’s policy team also routinely looks beyond our borders to identify successful wetland conservation policies and program elements implemented elsewhere.

This week, WWA staff traveled to the mid-Atlantic region to do a little bit of both. Executive Director Tracy Hames and Policy Programs Director Erin O’Brien attended the Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting hosted by the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM).

Tracy participated on a panel focused on Wetlands Working Groups. There he shared information about the origins and activities of Wisconsin’s Wetland Study Council, a legislative enabled advisory body which he currently chairs. Erin provided an overview of activities and outcomes from WWA’s recent work to promote wetlands as solutions and improve policy and program support for voluntary wetland restoration in Wisconsin.

Both talks were well received and generated exciting discussions with wetland program managers from across the country about opportunities to build on and/or replicate WWA’s unique approach to wetlands conservation.

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