Help Increase Investments in Wetlands for Flood Resilience!
Encourage your legislator to cosponsor bills LRB 0829/1 and LRB 2504/1 establishing this State Pre-disaster Flood Resilience Grant program.
Encourage your legislator to cosponsor bills LRB 0829/1 and LRB 2504/1 establishing this State Pre-disaster Flood Resilience Grant program.
This week, the Ashland County Board of Supervisors approved a Hazard Mitigation Plan addendum called, “A Strategy for Natural Flood Management and Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Ashland County.”
Kyle will provide an overview of a natural flood management initiative in the Lake Superior Basin aiming to reduce flood risks and create climate-resilient infrastructure.
Dr. Joshua Kapfer is co-author of the recently-published volume “Amphibian and Reptiles of Wisconsin,” assembled by an expert team of editors and contributors. Learn more about the information in this new book and hear stories about some of the amphibians and reptiles it describes.
Amphipods are important wetland invertebrates that indicate water quality and healthy aquatic plant habitats and are a key food for waterfowl.