Private landowners play a vital role in caring for wetlands
If you are a landowner who owns wetlands or lands you think may have been wetlands, WWA and the NRCS can help you care for and restore your land.
If you are a landowner who owns wetlands or lands you think may have been wetlands, WWA and the NRCS can help you care for and restore your land.
Amidst the devastation following the July 2016 storm in northern Wisconsin is a story of hope and wetlands at work embodied by Bibon Swamp.
Examining the link between wetland loss and flood damage.
Climate change modelers predict that severe storms will be on the rise, making the need for affordable and effective water management (such as wetlands) all the more urgent.
Do you appreciate clean water and flood protection? If you do, then you need to pay attention to wetlands—even the small ones—because wetlands are some of the most important features on our landscape when it comes to providing flood protection and clean water for you and your community.
We need to put wetlands back on the land to help protect our communities from flood events.