Wetland Coffee Break: Toward more effective invasive species management: Part 1
Part 1 introduces concepts from state and transition models and systems approaches to invasive species management.

Special presentation: Lessons learned from the Great Spirit’s garden
Join fellow wetland enthusiasts for a special evening presentation featuring wildlife biologist Peter David from the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, who will share wisdom he’s gleaned over his career from Manoomin (wild rice).

Wetland Coffee Break: Chemical control of cattail in species-rich wetlands
Integrated Restorations, LLC, has been evaluating the use of the selectively-targeted herbicide imazapyr (Polaris) for reversing cattail invasions in species-rich fen and sedge meadow wetlands of the Mukwonago River watershed in southeastern Wisconsin.

Wetland Coffee Break: Anticipating the hydrologic consequences of Emerald Ash Borer invasion in tribal forested wetlands through a sapflux network
Angela Waupochick discusses Black ash-dominated forested wetlands and how her research aims to help tribal managers strategize in their fight against emerald ash borers.

Wetland Coffee Break: Climate change resources for wetland managers
Find out what types of wetlands are most vulnerable, what site-level factors can improve resiliency, and most importantly, what resources are available to help you create a customized adaptation plan for your specific site.