Wetland Coffee Break: Spring beauties: Ephemeral ponds
Explore ephemeral pond ecology and some of the wonderful critters found in these wetlands.
Explore ephemeral pond ecology and some of the wonderful critters found in these wetlands.
Learn about why wetlands are so important for migratory and resident birds, the types of birds you can find in them, and the resources that can help you start birding near you.
Come on a guided tour of the botany, chemistry, ecology, and mysterious depths of a secret fen in northern Wisconsin.
Learn about the wetland communities of Wisconsin, including how to tell them apart, where to find them, and how you can learn more.
Yes! And WWA is collaborating with farmers and others in the agricultural community to explore how wetlands can be assets to farmers and their communities.
Watch this Wetland Coffee Break presentation to learn how to use Herpmapper: a free app for smartphones that can track amphibians and reptiles, organisms that are often indicators of wetland quality.