by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Apr 25, 2023 | For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Have you ever heard of “karst”? Hydrogeologist Maureen Muldoon will provide an introduction to the hydrogeology of Wisconsin’s karst landscapes. Geologist Grace Graham will talk about the relationship between karst springs and wetlands.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Apr 12, 2023 | Flood Resilience, For communities, For landowners, News, Policy Program Updates
As part of our work promoting wetlands as solutions, WWA provides subject matter expertise and recommendations to various climate-focused discussions. This includes collaborating to help refine the recommendations of various working groups hosted by the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI).
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Mar 8, 2023 | For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Dr. Joshua Kapfer is co-author of the recently-published volume “Amphibian and Reptiles of Wisconsin,” assembled by an expert team of editors and contributors. Learn more about the information in this new book and hear stories about some of the amphibians and reptiles it describes.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Mar 8, 2023 | For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Amphipods are important wetland invertebrates that indicate water quality and healthy aquatic plant habitats and are a key food for waterfowl.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Feb 6, 2023 | For communities, For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Beavers and the wetlands they create play a complex role in the dynamics of low-gradient streams of the Upper Midwest, especially where dams alter important habitat for trout.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Feb 1, 2023 | For communities, For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Hear from Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum about their restoration project of about two acres of wetland, and the installation of other storm water management measures over roughly six acres.