Wetland Coffee Break: Aerial herbicide application on invasive wetland plants: Planning, process and lessons learned
Jason Fleener, wetland habitat specialist with WDNR, will outline the various steps to plan out and implement a successful spraying project, discuss how to choose the best method for application (helicopter or drone), and how to choose the right chemicals for a project.
Wetland Coffee Break: Purple loosestrife biocontrol model in Wisconsin
Learn about the purple loosestrife biocontrol process and how it is sometimes integrated with other invasive plant management.
Wetland Coffee Break: Reed canarygrass: A comprehensive literature review for wetland managers
Hear from practitioner Craig Annen, who has been collecting and examining an extensive body of reed canarygrass literature from across the world since 2002 (from more than 1,000 studies and over 300 journals in ten different languages).
Wetland Coffee Break: Draft wetland functional assessment tool for Wisconsin and Minnesota
Hear Tom Pearce from Wisconsin DNR discuss the strategy and goals for developing the new RAM tool, provide an overview of current tool functions and scoring, and share an update on stakeholder engagement efforts.
Wetland Coffee Break: Helping farmers, saving cranes
International Crane Foundation’s Ryan Michalesko joined us to discuss how ICF is expanding its efforts to find real solutions to support farmers while also protecting cranes and the landscape.