While our communities are fighting this virus, life in the wetland continues. The marsh marigold is blooming, ducks and cranes are nesting, sedges are emerging, and the familiar songs of the red-winged blackbird, bittern, marsh wren, and frogs, frogs, frogs can be heard across the state. It’s business as usual in our wetlands. It’s a sign that we will get through this and persevere!
Thank you for your continued support. We understand that many of you are facing uncertain financial times right now. In light of this, we’ll be continuing the benefits of membership for all of our current members, regardless of whether you renew your membership when it’s time for you to renew.
Your support makes our work for wetlands possible during these uncertain times. Thank you. We also want to share the good news that we have received approval from the Small Business Administration for a Payroll Protection Program forgivable loan that will provide additional financial security for our organization in the immediate weeks ahead.
Your support is needed now more than ever. If you are in a position to provide support, there are several easy ways you can give:
- Donate online to renew your membership or to give an extra donation. You’ll automatically receive a receipt for your gift by email.
- Donate by mail using this printable pdf form to donate by check or credit card.
- Become a Wetland Gem® by signing up to give every month. Monthly giving assures a sustainable, reliable source of funding for our important wetland conservation work. And it spreads out your support, making it easier on your budget. Just check the ‘Become a Wetland GEM®! Make this donation recurring’ box on our donate page.
We’re still working for Wisconsin’s wetlands. Like many of you, WWA’s staff is working from home, isolated from one another, but not slowing down. We’re continuing our important work promoting and caring for the wetlands of Wisconsin in new and creative ways.
Here are a few examples:
- We’re holding webinars for crop consultants showing how wetlands can be incorporated into farm operations to help manage water.
- We’re providing leadership and facilitation for community-based projects in the Little Plover River watershed and the Lake Superior basin using wetlands as solutions to local water issues.
- We’re addressing wetland policy issues as an active member of the Governor’s Wetland Study Council.
- We’re teaching local governments in the Driftless Area how wetland protection and restoration help build sustainability in the face of increasing intensity and frequency of flooding resulting from a changing climate.
Your support for wetlands and Wisconsin Wetlands Association gives us hope that we’ll all get through this together, connected by our love for the wonders and beauty of the wetlands of Wisconsin!
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