The latest wetland news

Wetland Coffee Break: The Wisconsin Frog & Toad Survey
Join DNR conservation biologist Andrew Badje to learn more about how you can become a “frogger” by lending your ears to monitor and help conserve frogs and toads in all corners of Wisconsin.

Bill supporting wetland restoration for flood resilience introduced at the WI State Capitol
Learn about Assembly Bill 222 (and identical companion legislation Senate Bill 222) which creates a Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Grant Program.

Wetland Coffee Break: Karst hydrogeology & wetlands
Have you ever heard of “karst”? Hydrogeologist Maureen Muldoon will provide an introduction to the hydrogeology of Wisconsin’s karst landscapes. Geologist Grace Graham will talk about the relationship between karst springs and wetlands.

Wisconsin Tribes: Leading the way in protecting and restoring wetlands and watersheds
In celebration of American Wetlands Month in May, we’re releasing four new videos featuring the wetland and watershed conservation work being done by the Bad River and Red Cliff Bands of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Northern Wisconsin.

Climate impacts to Wisconsin’s wetlands
As part of our work promoting wetlands as solutions, WWA provides subject matter expertise and recommendations to various climate-focused discussions. This includes collaborating to help refine the recommendations of various working groups hosted by the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI).

From the Director: The gentle nature of floodplains
In his December director’s column, Tracy Hames reflects on how the journey of a 100-year-old bottle is also a story about floods and the gentle nature of floodplains.

Help Increase Investments in Wetlands for Flood Resilience!
Encourage your legislator to cosponsor bills LRB 0829/1 and LRB 2504/1 establishing this State Pre-disaster Flood Resilience Grant program.

Ashland County adopts Natural Flood Management strategies to protect local roads
This week, the Ashland County Board of Supervisors approved a Hazard Mitigation Plan addendum called, “A Strategy for Natural Flood Management and Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Ashland County.”

Wetland Coffee Break: Piloting natural flood management in the Lake Superior basin
Kyle will provide an overview of a natural flood management initiative in the Lake Superior Basin aiming to reduce flood risks and create climate-resilient infrastructure.

Wetland Coffee Break: Amphibians and reptiles of Wisconsin
Dr. Joshua Kapfer is co-author of the recently-published volume “Amphibian and Reptiles of Wisconsin,” assembled by an expert team of editors and contributors. Learn more about the information in this new book and hear stories about some of the amphibians and reptiles it describes.