The latest wetland news

Wetland Coffee Break: Whooping crane conservation in Wisconsin
Join Whooping Crane Outreach Coordinator Stephanie Schmidt to learn about the International Crane Foundation’s whooping crane reintroduction and community building efforts in Wisconsin and beyond.

Wetland Coffee Break: Toward more effective invasive species management: Part 2
Part 2: How a system dynamics approach works in practice Note: This presentation will be more technical than many of the talks in the Wetland Coffee Break series State and transition models of community dynamics predict that feedback processes and synergistic...

Wetland Coffee Break: Toward more effective invasive species management: Part 1
Part 1 introduces concepts from state and transition models and systems approaches to invasive species management.

Wetland Coffee Break: Hackmatack National Wildlife Refuge: 10 years strong and beyond
Vince Mosca and Paul Bruett will discuss the establishment of this Urban National Wildlife Refuge and its goals and will share progress made in land acquisition over the last 10 years.

The Big Share 2022: We met Libby’s Challenge!
WOW did you share your love for wetlands this week during The Big Share! Thanks to your generosity, we raised more than $43,000 for wetlands and solidly met Libby’s Challenge to raise $15,000 for wetlands.

Announcing the Wisconsin Wetlands Association Swampstakes!
This year, Wisconsin Wetlands Association is making a special effort to help others experience the wonder and beauty of wetlands. And we need your help! To make this effort fun and engaging, we're excited to announce the 2022-23 Wisconsin Wetlands Association...

Wetland Coffee Break: Chiwaukee Prairie: A conservation story through photos
Join Dr. Dana Garrigan to hear the story of the preservation of Chiwaukee Prairie via a spectacular photographic tour.

Special presentation: Lessons learned from the Great Spirit’s garden
Join fellow wetland enthusiasts for a special evening presentation featuring wildlife biologist Peter David from the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, who will share wisdom he’s gleaned over his career from Manoomin (wild rice).

WWA’s 2022 Annual Membership Meeting and Wetland Trivia Night
Join us for a night of wetland trivia and to hear about WWA’s work in 2021!

Wetland Coffee Break: Habitat restoration and bird monitoring on the Oneida Nation reservation
To evaluate restoration success at three critical sites with respect to bird life, the Oneida Nation partnered with several organizations to launch a bird monitoring program.