The latest wetland news

From the Director: The speed of things
Executive Director Tracy Hames reflects on how things change over time in the natural world, and how we can see our work to protect wetlands in a similar light.

Wetland Coffee Break: Visiting the Great Spirit’s Garden: Wild rice in Wisconsin’s wetlands
Learn about the ecology of wild rice (Manoomin) as well as its cultural and ecological significance, and hear about the challenges it is facing in a changing landscape.

How to identify Wisconsin’s common wetland types, Part II
In part two of this two-part series, learn more about bogs & fens, shrub thickets, sedge meadows and low prairies, rare wetlands.

From the Director: What brings us together
Let’s revisit what ultimately brings us together—our love of wetlands.

Wetland Coffee Break: Snapshot Wisconsin: Gathering and using trail camera data in wetlands and beyond
Learn about how the trail camera data from the Snapshot Wisconsin project can be used to monitor wildlife in Wisconsin’s wetlands and beyond and how you can get involved.

Wetland Coffee Break: The story behind the SWANCC decision: Site history and permitting
While all wetland practitioners know the impact of the SWANCC decision on wetland jurisdiction, few people know the backstory of the site that led to this monumental court decision.

Wetland Coffee Break: Visible and invisible mending: An intersection of art and ecology
Learn how presenter Nancy Aten’s work practicing ecological restoration, especially involving wetlands, interacts with her work as a monotype printmaker.

New wetland invasive plant discovered in Wisconsin: European frog-bit
In July 2021, botanists discovered a population of the wetland invasive plant European frog-bit in Oconto County. This is the first time this species has been found in the wild in Wisconsin.

Governor Evers signs bill encouraging more wetland and floodplain restoration
New legislation will encourage more consideration of wetland solutions to problems like flooding, erosion, sedimentation, run-off, and water quality.

Wisconsin State Budget signed into law
Among the programs funded by the state budget are several that directly or indirectly support investments in wetlands.