The latest wetland news

Developing a shared understanding of watershed-based hydrologic restoration
Watershed-based hydrologic restoration is one of the most effective and important ways to address water management concerns, but it isn’t a widespread practice yet.

WWA provides feedback to the Climate Change Task Force
WWA needs your help: voice your support for wetlands as solutions at an upcoming virtual public hearing.

Love that yellow iris in your wetland? Think again…
Yellow flag iris is a showy perennial invasive plant that grows in wetlands and on floating aquatic mats and forms very dense mats of rhizomes and crowds out native plant species.

Wetland Coffee Break: Wetland Soils 101: Way more than just mud on your boots
Join wetland ecologist Drew Fowler to hear about the unique and diverse properties of wetland soils.

Speaking up for the role of wetlands in climate resilience
You can join WWA in sharing the importance of healthy wetlands to climate resilience at an upcoming Task Force on Climate Change public hearing.

What wetlands can teach us about change
Many say that change is the only constant in nature. Large and small, swift or slow, sometimes we adapt to the change while other times we must take action.

Wetland Coffee Break: Sandhill 101: The ecology and behaviors of Sandhill Cranes
Learn about sandhill crane ecology and what’s behind this favorite wetland bird’s weird and wonderful behaviors.

Wetland Coffee Break: Managing water levels for wetland health on the Upper Mississippi River
Learn about efforts to reinvigorate vegetation communities within the Upper Mississippi River.

What is the Little Plover River Watershed Enhancement Project?
Learn more about our work to improve the health of the Little Plover River with wetland restoration.

Wetland Coffee Break: Spring beauties: Ephemeral ponds
Explore ephemeral pond ecology and some of the wonderful critters found in these wetlands.