The latest wetland news

From the Director: The un-gentle nature of disconnected floodplains
Last year in this column I addressed the gentle movement of flood flows through healthy floodplains. Now I’d like to recount an experience I had in the early 1990s to illustrate the very un-gentle nature of flood flows in a disconnected floodplain.

Wetland Coffee Break: Introduction to the damsels and dragons of Wisconsin (Part 2)
This presentation is part two of a two-part series and will introduce you to the three families of damselflies and six families of dragonflies found in Wisconsin.

Wetland Coffee Break: Introduction to the damsels and dragons of Wisconsin (Part 1)
This session, part one of a two-part series, will focus on odonates’ anatomy and life cycle.

Wetland Coffee Break: The eastern massasauga: Wisconsin’s wetland rattlesnake
The eastern massasauga, one of two rattlesnake species found in Wisconsin, is incredibly rare globally and only remains at eight sites in the state.

WWA Priority Legislation Creating a Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Grant Up for a Vote!
On Thursday, January 25th, the Wisconsin State Assembly is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill (SB) 222, creating a state-directed Pre-disaster Flood Resilience Grant!

New Hydrologic Restoration General Permit unveiled
This new permit has been a priority for our organization, as it improves the permitting process for hydrology-focused wetland restoration, floodplain reconnection, and channel improvement projects in Wisconsin.

Wetland Coffee Break: Reciprocal relationships with restoration and protection efforts
Learn about the ecological and cultural significance of the newly created Wequiock Creek Natural Area in Brown County, WI, and how it was protected.

Wetland Coffee Break: Mink frog calling surveys
The mink frog, a Species of Special Concern, is a special focus due to its rarity, susceptibility to climate change in Wisconsin, and unusual calling pattern.

WWA’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting: Join us!
All members and supporters of Wisconsin Wetlands Association are invited to join us for the 2024 Annual Membership Meeting and social!

Wetland Coffee Break: Spur Lake: A long and unfinished journey
Carly and Nathan discuss the efforts of a collaborative working group to understand why wild rice has disappeared from Spur Lake and explore options for bringing it back.