The latest wetland news
Wetland Coffee Break: Getting the most out of chemical control of wetland invasive plants with herbicide-additive systems
This presentation will demonstrate ways to get the most out of chemical control by taking advantage of herbicide-additive systems and detail the essentials of target plant anatomy and physiology as they relate to invasive species suppression.
Illustrating hydrology and water management in a new StoryMap
Are you curious about where to start when it comes to understanding the root causes of your community’s water issues, like water quality or water availability?
Wetland Coffee Break: Celebrating wetlands through poetry: The art and craft of Mary Linton
Join us for this special Wetland Coffee Break to honor Mary’s memory and celebrate her craft as a poet.
New post-Sackett decision EPA rule released
The EPA has released a new rule to administer the Clean Water Act rolling back federal wetland protections after the US Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA.
From the Director: Our waters and wetlands are connected
Fifty-plus years after the enactment of the Clean Water Act, we must not forget what forced these policy changes—the horrible state of so many of our waters. Good wetland policy has improved things, but we still have work to do.
Wetland Coffee Break: All-female salamanders “rule” an ephemeral pond
Gregory T. Burns discusses his multi-year citizen science amphibian-focused research of vernal pools (ephemeral ponds) in east central Wisconsin, including the first definitive discovery of the all-female salamander biotype in southern Wisconsin.
Mary Linton Dedication and Book Launch event RSVP
Join friends, family, and colleagues to dedicate a park bench on a lovely trail overlooking Rose Lake to honor Mary Linton. There will be a gathering with poetry, song, and light refreshment. A new book of Mary’s poetry, “Way Will Open,” will also be available for purchase.
Wetland Coffee Break: Starhead Topminnow: The rare star of the backwaters of the Lower Wisconsin Riverway
Young ichthyologist Madeline Cleveland shares her knowledge of this state endangered species’ natural history, the threats it faces, and conservation efforts being made to preserve it.
Wetland Coffee Break: Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A tribal climate adaptation menu for indigenous-led adaptation planning
Learn about the Tribal Adaptation Menu which provides a framework to integrate indigenous and traditional knowledge, culture, language, and history into the climate adaptation planning process.
Wetland Coffee Break: Wetland monitoring and protection on the Red Cliff reservation
Take a tour of the wetlands in Red Cliff and learn about efforts to monitor and manage the Tribe’s wetlands.