Of the 5 million acres that remain, 75% are in private ownership, giving landowners a vital role in caring for wetlands.
Private landowners also own most of the land that used to be wetland and could be restored. As much as 85% of Wisconsin’s potentially restorable wetland acreage is in private ownership.
If you are a landowner who owns wetlands or land you think may have been wetlands, Wisconsin Wetlands Association and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can help you care for and restore your land.
Do you own wetlands?
Wisconsin Wetlands Association (WWA) provides guidance and connects you with the information and support you need to care for your wetland. Start with our My Healthy Wetland handbook for wetland landowners. Use our resources pages to connect with other information and resources. Learn more.
Do you own land that you think may once have been wetlands?
The USDA-NRCS offers several programs that can help private landowners care for their land. The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program is one, and it includes Wetland Reserve Easements (which used to be called the Wetlands Reserve Program or WRP). Through Wetland Reserve Easements, NRCS provides technical and financial assistance directly to private landowners to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands. Wetland Reserve Easements offer an opportunity for landowners to receive financial incentives to restore wetlands that have been drained for agriculture. Learn more.
Contact your area NRCS District Conservationist or your area Farm Bill Biologist to to learn more and find out if your land may be eligible for this program.
Watch our videos
Hear from three different families who have restored their wetlands in partnership with NRCS in videos produced by WWA in collaboration with NRCS. Also, learn more about how WWA and NRCS can help you restore your wetlands. Watch and share these videos with the links below.
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