The 2025 Wetland Science Conference in La Crosse was our first sell-out ever and the most number of registrants at an in-person conference yet. It was so energizing knowing that this many great people wanted to talk about wetlands.

We commemorated the 30th anniversary of the conference this year with the theme: Exploring the Confluence: Pearls of wisdom for wetlands, waters, and communities. Long-time WWA members and conference attendees Dreux Watermolen, Kelly Kearns, and Dave Siebert provided thoughtful reflections on thirty years of this meeting and a hilarious conference trivia competition.

View photos from the 2025 Wetland Science Conference

Click the image below to view a gallery of images from the conference. Special thanks to our volunteer photographer, Monika Blazs, for the wonderful photos!

The fast-paced “lightning round” presentations were a conference highlight, along with a robust group of symposia covering topics from restoring wetland and stream systems to collaborating with Tribes, regional wetland status and trends to waterfowl and wetlands. And don’t forget the Little Free Wetland Library!

A special collaboration with the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort brought our two communities together for shared learning and discussions with the goal of ensuring that both wetland and trout practitioners have the information and support they need to collaborate on multi-objective hydrologic restoration projects.

Five workshops, six roundtable conversations, four working groups, and three field trips—on top of 45 oral presentations and 14 posters—meant there was something for everyone (even if it was hard to choose sometimes).

The great news given how much content we had during the conference: everyone who registered also received access to recordings of all the conference oral presentations as well as pdfs of the posters. And it’s not too late to gain access to this On-Demand content: Visit to purchase access (only $40 for WWA members).

Mark your calendars for the 2026 conference, Feb. 24-26 in Baraboo/Wisconsin Dells.

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