Wisconsin’s wetlands urgently need your help! Wetland bill hearing is TODAY, December 21st!
Today, the Wisconsin legislature will hold a joint public hearing on a pair of bills that will put over one million acres of Wisconsin’s wetlands at risk. We need you, as a wetland supporter, to share your wetland expertise with legislators. But we also know that this is a challenging time of year with holidays and weather that can make travel difficult. So we’re providing information below on ways you can make your voice heard whether or not you can attend the hearing.
If you can attend the hearing:
Thursday, December 21st, 2017
11:00 am
11:00 am
Room 411 South, at the Capitol
At the hearing, fill out and submit a registration slip to indicate that you oppose SB600 and AB547. You can stop there, submit written testimony, or check the box indicating that you also wish to testify.
If you can’t attend the hearing:
- Email your testimony to Senator Cowles and Representative Horlacher with the subject line “Testimony for hearing on SB600/AB547”, copy your legislators, and bcc WWA.
- Call your state Senator and Representative and ask them NOT to co-sponsor or support SB600 and AB547. Please share their response with us. Find your legislator’s contact details.
Suggested talking points:
- These bills overreach by removing protection from more than one million acres of wetlands
- These bills are widely opposed among the conservation community, including many hunting and fishing groups, who have expressed their concern to the Legislature
- Even small, seemingly isolated wetlands are crucial to the health of our land, water, wildlife, and communities
- Wisconsin is a leader in wetland protection, not an outlier.
- Regulations help prevent unnecessary harm to wetlands. Let’s find ways to fix the regulatory process without eliminating protections altogether.
Join us today, December 21st, at the Capitol to share your wetland knowledge with the committees, or email your testimony and call your state Senator and Representative. This hearing is critical. Show legislators that the people of Wisconsin insist on strong wetland protection.
Related content:
Your voice needed: Hearing Dec. 21st!
Myth-busting misconceptions about “isolated” wetlands
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