What are floodplains? Managing misconceptions about healthy flooding
Learn how floodplains function and why healthy floodplains are an important part of reducing flood damages.
Learn how floodplains function and why healthy floodplains are an important part of reducing flood damages.
Last year in this column I addressed the gentle movement of flood flows through healthy floodplains. Now I’d like to recount an experience I had in the early 1990s to illustrate the very un-gentle nature of flood flows in a disconnected floodplain.
On Thursday, January 25th, the Wisconsin State Assembly is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill (SB) 222, creating a state-directed Pre-disaster Flood Resilience Grant!
Are you curious about where to start when it comes to understanding the root causes of your community’s water issues, like water quality or water availability?
Wisconsin Towns Association highlighted the the Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Bill in their recent magazine. The bill provides tools for local governments to address the root cause of flooding disasters rather than solely focusing on fixing and repairing damages after each incident.