Little Plover River Watershed Enhancement Project hosts Natural Resources Board
WWA and its partners led the seven-member, Governor appointed board on a tour of the project as part of their September meeting in Plover, Wisconsin.
WWA and its partners led the seven-member, Governor appointed board on a tour of the project as part of their September meeting in Plover, Wisconsin.
WWA works to help communities recognize how important wetlands are in helping manage water movement through our landscapes. But what do healthy, functional wetlands look like?
Despite abundant opportunities, we see very little floodplain restoration work happening in Wisconsin. In trying to understand why, we’ve identified multiple issues that could be addressed through policy.
Learn how floodplains function and why healthy floodplains are an important part of reducing flood damages.
Last year in this column I addressed the gentle movement of flood flows through healthy floodplains. Now I’d like to recount an experience I had in the early 1990s to illustrate the very un-gentle nature of flood flows in a disconnected floodplain.