From the Director: Sisyphus at the dog park
How a little dog park and some Greek mythology can show the importance of wetland restoration.
How a little dog park and some Greek mythology can show the importance of wetland restoration.
Learn about Assembly Bill 222 (and identical companion legislation Senate Bill 222) which creates a Pre-Disaster Flood Resilience Grant Program.
This week, the Ashland County Board of Supervisors approved a Hazard Mitigation Plan addendum called, “A Strategy for Natural Flood Management and Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Ashland County.”
Kyle will provide an overview of a natural flood management initiative in the Lake Superior Basin aiming to reduce flood risks and create climate-resilient infrastructure.
The problems and solutions to situations like the one in Fancy Creek are complex and require more than any one landowner, organization, or agency can offer. This is why collaborating with partners is essential to expand the base of knowledge, grow interest, and obtain commitments to work toward restoration.