Wetland Coffee Break: Toward more effective invasive species management: Part 1
Part 1 introduces concepts from state and transition models and systems approaches to invasive species management.

Wetland Coffee Break: Chemical control of cattail in species-rich wetlands
Integrated Restorations, LLC, has been evaluating the use of the selectively-targeted herbicide imazapyr (Polaris) for reversing cattail invasions in species-rich fen and sedge meadow wetlands of the Mukwonago River watershed in southeastern Wisconsin.

Wetland Coffee Break: Snapshot Wisconsin: Gathering and using trail camera data in wetlands and beyond
Learn about how the trail camera data from the Snapshot Wisconsin project can be used to monitor wildlife in Wisconsin’s wetlands and beyond and how you can get involved.

New wetland invasive plant discovered in Wisconsin: European frog-bit
In July 2021, botanists discovered a population of the wetland invasive plant European frog-bit in Oconto County. This is the first time this species has been found in the wild in Wisconsin.