Can wetlands and farms go together?
Yes! And WWA is collaborating with farmers and others in the agricultural community to explore how wetlands can be assets to farmers and their communities.
Yes! And WWA is collaborating with farmers and others in the agricultural community to explore how wetlands can be assets to farmers and their communities.
Watch this Wetland Coffee Break presentation to learn how to use Herpmapper: a free app for smartphones that can track amphibians and reptiles, organisms that are often indicators of wetland quality.
Wetlands along Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coast are unique habitats at the transition between watersheds and the larger lake.
In 2018, and again in 2019, Wisconsin’s precious wetlands threw out an early spring lifeline to storm-stranded birds.
The 25th annual Wetland Science Conference will be Feb. 18-20, 2020, in Elkhart Lake, WI.