Love that yellow iris in your wetland? Think again…
Yellow flag iris is a showy perennial invasive plant that grows in wetlands and on floating aquatic mats and forms very dense mats of rhizomes and crowds out native plant species.
Yellow flag iris is a showy perennial invasive plant that grows in wetlands and on floating aquatic mats and forms very dense mats of rhizomes and crowds out native plant species.
If you have large stands of cattail taking over your wetland, you likely have one of the invasive cattails, and you should consider actions to control the cattail in order to make room for native plants in your wetland.
Garden valerian is a good example of how an invasive species can exist for many decades in small isolated pockets that don’t seem to be spreading, but then suddenly shows up everywhere.
Don’t reach for the hand sanitizer just yet! Freshwater bacteria found in bogs and other wetlands provide many necessary functions that make a healthy ecosystem.
The story of water celery and the diving ducks it supports.