Wetland Coffee Break: Restoring wetlands in the Mukwonago River watershed
Hear about the the experience of project planning, restoration, and maintenance of the Mukwonago Davis Restoration Project, and the trials and tribulations of implementing a large wetland restoration project through key partnerships.

WWA on the road: Exporting lessons learned and learning from others
This week, WWA staff traveled to the mid-Atlantic region to share lessons learned from our work in Wisconsin, and to learn about successful wetland conservation outside our borders.

Wetland Coffee Break: What’s the buzz? Drone uses in wetlands
Drones can do a lot more than take pretty pictures. We can now utilize drones for high-resolution imagery, artificial intelligence, spraying invasive species, or seeding native species.

New Hydrologic Restoration General Permit unveiled
This new permit has been a priority for our organization, as it improves the permitting process for hydrology-focused wetland restoration, floodplain reconnection, and channel improvement projects in Wisconsin.