by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Mar 10, 2023 | Flood Resilience, For communities, News, Policy Program Updates
This week, the Ashland County Board of Supervisors approved a Hazard Mitigation Plan addendum called, “A Strategy for Natural Flood Management and Climate Resilient Infrastructure in Ashland County.”
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Mar 10, 2023 | Flood Resilience, For communities, News, Policy Program Updates, Wetland Coffee Break
Kyle will provide an overview of a natural flood management initiative in the Lake Superior Basin aiming to reduce flood risks and create climate-resilient infrastructure.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Nov 9, 2022 | For communities, For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Wetland restoration gives us opportunities to respond to climate change impacts and, at the same time, becomes more difficult within a chaotic climate both current and unfolding. How can we navigate these dilemmas?
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Jul 28, 2020 | For communities, News, Policy Program Updates
While the challenges of climate change are daunting, there are opportunities to make changes that are good for our natural world and solve problems for our communities.
by Wisconsin Wetlands Association | Jul 17, 2020 | Flood Resilience, For communities, For landowners, News, Wetland Coffee Break
Upper watershed wetlands are critical to regulating water throughout watersheds, yet they are among the most under-recognized wetlands in Wisconsin–and sometimes some of the most altered. Join WWA’s Executive Director Tracy Hames for a virtual tour of some intact...