Conference announcement: Wetlands go virtual!
While we may not be seeing you in person, we are committed to creating a valuable and engaging educational and networking experience.
While we may not be seeing you in person, we are committed to creating a valuable and engaging educational and networking experience.
Want to learn how to be a more effective communicator for wetlands? Here’s a sneak-peak from our 2020 plenary speaker, Matthew Miller!
How do wetland managers make decisions about how best to care for the wetlands for which they’re responsible? And how can these managers incorporate hydrology, soils, landscape context, and other important factors to improve the success of their efforts?
In our wetlands work, we sometimes make reference to Wisconsin’s “wetland community.” Are we a community? Just what does that mean? And how can it inspire us and make our work more powerful and effective?
The 25th annual Wetland Science Conference will be Feb. 18-20, 2020, in Elkhart Lake, WI.