Wisconsin Wetlands Association is part of a coalition that supports the passage of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. This federal legislation (H.R. 2773) would provide a stable source of funding for states’ efforts to benefit the more than 400 plant and animal species that are threatened, endangered, or at risk.
WWA is part of this coalition because healthy wetlands are prime habitats for wildlife. More than one-third of our nation’s threatened and endangered species live only in wetlands, and nearly half use wetlands at some point in their lives. If we want rich biodiversity, we need more healthy wetlands back on the landscape.
For Wisconsin, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would bring an estimated $19 million annually for projects including wetland restoration and habitat maintenance. The funding source comes from fees for violations of federal environmental regulations.
The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is bipartisan, and there is agreement for many reasons that it’s in nobody’s interest for more species to be listed as threatened or endangered. The House Bill has 133 cosponsors, including Wisconsin Congressional Representatives Pocan, Moore, and Kind. The Senate Bill has 32 cosponsors.
The Wisconsin coalition supporting this legislation has 30 member groups, including hunting, angling, and conservation groups. To learn more about the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, visit https://wicoalitionforrawa.org.
To contact your Wisconsin Congressperson to either thank them for supporting the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act or to ask them to cosponsor it, key points to emphasize include:
- The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would provide $18 million annually to Wisconsin for on-the-ground habitat management, scientific research, and wildlife conservation work.
- More than 400 fish & wildlife species in Wisconsin have populations declining or so low they’re at risk of becoming threatened or endangered. This legislation will help prevent further declines in wildlife populations and at-risk species from becoming endangered.
- Wetlands are critically important for many wildlife species, including one-third of Wisconsin’s listed species. Wetland restoration and management is among the much-needed work enabled by this bill.
- In addition to benefits for wildlife, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act will also mean a healthier space for outdoor recreation, which generates $7.8 billion to Wisconsin’s economy and $93,000 jobs.
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