Wetlands: A home for wildlife
“It enhances everything around us, from the frogs to the eagles.”
Craig and Nichol Swenson partnered with NRCS to restore marginal fields on their land to wetlands. Today, they relish enjoying the wildlife their wetland attracts.
75% of Wisconsin’s remaining wetlands are in private ownership, giving landowners a vital role in caring for wetlands. Private landowners also own most of the land that used to be wetland and could be restored. As much as 85% of Wisconsin’s potentially restorable wetland acreage is in private ownership. If you are a landowner who owns wetlands or land you think might be wetlands, Wisconsin Wetlands Association and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation can help you care for and restore your land.
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Special thanks to Nichol and Craig Swenson for sharing their story in this video and for all they do for wetlands.

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